A. Excitable
Membranes and Synaptic Transmission(興奮性膜、シナプス伝達)
1. Ion Channels and Excitable Membranes(イオンチャンネル、興奮性膜)
2. Neurotransmitters and Modulators(神経伝達物質、修飾物質)
3. Receptors and Transporters(受容体、輸送体)
4. Synapse(シナプス)
5. Synaptic Plasticity(シナプス可塑性)
B. Cellular Neurobiology(細胞神経生物学)
6. Signal Transduction and Modulation(情報伝達、変換、修飾)
7. Axonal Transport and Cytoskeleton(軸索輸送、細胞骨格)
8. Glia and Glia-Neuron Interaction(グリア、グリア-ニューロン相互作用)
9. Blood-Brain Barrier(血液脳関門)
10. Gene Regulation, Epigenetics, Genome Informatics
11. Regulation and Function of RNA, Translational Regulation
(RNA の制御と機能、翻訳制御)
12. Drug Development(創薬)
C. Development, Regeneration and Plasticity(発生・再生と可塑性)
13. Neural Induction, Pattern Formation,
14. Neural Stem/Progenitor Cells and Cellular Differentiation,
15. Embryonic Stem Cells(胚性幹細胞)
16. Migration, Axonal and Dendritic Outgrowth, Network Formation
17. Trophic Factors and Cytokines(栄養因子、サイトカイン)
18. Cell Adhesion Molecules(細胞接着因子)
19. Regeneration(再生)
20. Neuronal Death and Apoptosis(神経細胞死、アポトーシス)
21. Neural Repair and Rehabilitation(神経修復、リハビリテーション)
22. Adult Neurogenesis(成体ニューロン新生)
D. Sensorimotor System(感覚系、運動系)
23. Somatomotor System(体性運動)
24. Oculomotor System(眼球運動)
25. Visual System(視覚)
26. Auditory and Vestibular Systems(聴覚、前庭感覚)
27. Olfaction, Taste, Chemical Senses(嗅覚、味覚、化学感覚)
28. Somatosensory System(体性感覚)
29. Viscerosensory System(内臓感覚)
30. Pain and Itch(痛覚、痒み)
31. Sensori-Motor Plasticity(感覚運動系の可塑性)
32. Brain Machine / Computer Interface
33. Robotics(ロボティクス)
E. Autonomic and Endocrine Regulation(自律機能、内分泌の調節)
34. Autonomic Nervous System(自律神経系)
35. Neuroendocrine System(神経内分泌)
36. Neuroimmunology(神経免疫)
37. Stress(ストレス)
38. Reproduction(生殖)
39. Metabolism and Regulation of Food Intake(代謝、摂食調節)
F. Molecular, Neural and Computational
Bases of Behavior(行動の分子・神経・計算論的基盤)
40. Instinct and Emotional Behavior(本能と情動行動)
41. Sleep and Biological Rhythms(睡眠、生体リズム)
42. Learning and Memory(学習、記憶)
43. Learning Theory(学習理論)
44. Attention and Cognition(注意と認知)
45. Development and Aging of Cognition(認知の発達と加齢変化)
46. Language and Communication(言語とコミュニケーション)
47. Social Behavior(社会的行動)
G. Disorders of the Nervous System(神経系の疾患)
48. Alzheimer's Disease, Other Dementia,
49. Parkinson's Disease and Related Disorders(パーキンソン病とその類縁疾患)
50. Polyglutamine Diseases, ALS, Other Neurodegenerative Disorder
51. Neuromuscular Diseases(神経筋疾患)
52. Demyelinating Disorders(脱髄性疾患)
53. Neurotoxicity and Inflammation(中毒と炎症)
54. Epilepsy(てんかん)
55. Schizophrenia(統合失調症)
56. Mood Disorders(気分障害)
57. Addiction and Abuse(依存、乱用)
58. Developmental Disorders(発達障害)
59. Other Psychiatric Disorders(その他の精神障害)
60. Chronic Pain Syndromes and Other Pain Disorders
61. Cerebrovascular Disease and Ischemia(脳血管障害と虚血)
62. Trauma(外傷)
63. Neuro-oncology(脳腫瘍)
64. Behavioral Pharmacology(行動薬理)
65. Animal Models(疾患モデル)
H. Methodology and Others(方法論、その他)
66. Imaging(イメージング)
67. Molecular and Cellular Biological Techniques(分子生物学的、細胞生物学的方法)
68. Neuroinformatics(神経情報学)
69. Neuroethics(脳神経倫理)